Community Forex Questions
Types of Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is a method of evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. There are several different types of technical analysis that traders use to make predictions about future market movements.

One popular type of technical analysis is chart pattern analysis, which looks for patterns in charts of past prices, such as head and shoulders or double tops.

Another type of technical analysis is trend analysis, which looks at the general direction of the market, such as upward or downward trends, and uses this information to make predictions about future movements.

Technical indicators are also widely used, such as Moving Averages, RSI, MACD, etc. These indicators are mathematical calculations that are based on the price and/or volume of a security. They help to identify trends, momentum, and potential turning points in the market.

Finally, Elliott wave analysis is a type of technical analysis that aims to predict market movements by identifying patterns in the behavior of market participants.

All of these types of technical analysis have their own strengths and weaknesses and are used in different ways depending on the trader's strategy and goals.

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