Community Forex Questions
RoboForex Promotions
60% Tradable Profit Share Bonus – RoboForex
RoboForex offers a genuine Forex bonus of up to 60% on deposits, which can be traded just like your own money. This Bonus will not be canceled if your account balance falls below the bonus fund. It is this type of Bonus that increases your chances of profit while decreasing your risk, especially when the market moves unexpectedly. Forex Tradable is specifically designed to protect account equity during a drawdown. Increase your confidence and your account balance.
Trade Day Forex, 1-Day Demo Contest – RoboForex
RoboForex Trade Day Forex Weekly Demo Contest is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to put their knowledge to the test, learn new abilities, and win a genuine reward, which can be used as an initial deposit or to enhance your money. The ContestFX project's contents are all held on demo accounts and do not require any upfront payments. One chance per day to book a prize!
60% Tradable Profit Share Bonus – RoboForex
RoboForex offers a genuine Forex bonus of up to 60% on deposits, which may be traded just like your own money. This Bonus will not be canceled if your account balance falls below the bonus sum. It is this type of Bonus that increases your chances of profit while decreasing your risk, especially when the market moves abruptly. Forex Tradable is specifically developed to protect account equity during a drawdown. Increase your confidence and your account balance.
Partners Promotion 2023, Fund $1M – RoboForex
RoboForex is presenting a partner's campaign with a prize pool of 1 Million USD, offering 600 cash prizes and 10 monthly awards ranging from $1,000 to $15,000. On the first Friday of each month, winners are chosen based on the closest Coupon numbers to 60 combinations produced from the closing prices of selected US equities. To get started, sign up as a partner and refer clients to RoboForex. Coupons are automatically issued after the generated commission is met, as specified in the terms and circumstances. Take advantage of the opportunity to win these cash rewards.

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