Community Forex Questions
Prime XBT Promotions
$20,000 Giveaway campaign - Prime XBT. User must have an active and open Prime XBT account and register an account if you currently do not have an account. Users must follow one of the official Twitter accounts. Users must join one of the Telegram group.
PrimeXBT Trade2Earn Contest
A 5000 USDT prize fund will be awarded to the winners of the PrimeXBT Trade2Earn Contest. Winners received the prize on their accounts and could use it to generate profit that could be withdrawn. Trade2earn contest is open to all clients.
Grand Forex Competition - PrimeXBT
The competition presents traders with the chance to participate in the race and receive a prize in the Tither wallet. For the winners' prize pool, the total prize fund is 100K USDT. The prize funds are added to the winners' accounts and are available for trading.
Weekly Battle Contest, Fund 5000 USDT – PrimeXBT
Traders have the opportunity to participate in PrimeXBT's weekly battle competition and win a prize for being the top in the list. Each contest is held on a weekly basis with a total prize fund of 5000 USDT.
At the end of the contest, the participants who gained the most equity are awarded the prize.
Weekly Battle Contest, Fund 1000 USDT – PrimeXBT
The PrimeXBT weekly battle competition allows traders to join and receive a reward for finishing first on the list. The tournament is run weekly and has a total prize pool of 1000 USDT. The reward is awarded to the competitors who have accumulated the most equity at the conclusion.
Forex Trade to Win Competition – PrimeXBT
PrimeXBT is holding a competition for trades to compete for a prize in the Tither wallet. The total prize fund for the winners' prize pool is $300. The prize money is deposited into the winners' accounts and made available for trading.

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