Community Forex Questions
Juno Markets Promotions
Juno Markets live trading competition is called Top Trader. The top 3 traders share the prize fund. Participants with the highest equity will receive a prize based on their ranking. Participants could enter the competition for as little as $25 USD. In accordance with the terms of the competition, the funds are withdrawable.
Bonus of 50% on Deposit - Juno Markets
Juno Markets Trader's Bonus up to $2,000 USD - Each registered client of the company will receive a 50% Bonus on their first deposit during the promotional period. After meeting the trading conditions, the bonus can be cashed out.
Ramadan Challenge, Draw Prize – Juno Markets
Ramadan Challenge with a $3500 USD prize fund - Make a deposit to the account and take part in the draw. According to the terms of the service, there are a total of five winners. The winners were chosen through a random drawing.
Increase your trading capital by 200%. Get a $50 bonus with a $25 deposit! Register for a live account, key in referral code – JUNO50. Bonus is available to all new clients with a deposit as low as $25.
100% Recovery Bonus – Juno Markets
When funding a new trading account within 7 days of account registration, New Clients receive a 100% credit bonus. Except for MAM accounts, the bonus is available for all types of trading accounts. Traders should deposit at least $25, or more, depending on their base currency. Under no circumstances is the bonus refundable.

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