Community Forex Questions
Fxview Promotions
Free Virtual Private Server – If you contribute $5000 or more, you will receive a free VPS Basic plan from Fxview. The virtual private server allows you to run your strategies/EA/Scripts on a distant server without interruptions from internet or hardware troubles. Maintain a $5K account balance to continue utilising the VPS for free, or pay a $25 flat cost to utilise the service.
100% Tradable Deposit Bonus – Fxview
FXview is offering a 100% Tradable Deposit Bonus to double your deposits at no extra cost. The bonus is applicable to all deposits made during the campaign period. With 1:300 leverage, you can trade with a higher margin and reduce your risk. To qualify for the bonus, deposit as little as 200 USD, with a maximum of 20,000 USD for each individual trader.

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