Community Forex Questions
When will be Bitcoin and cryptocurrency be legalized?
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses encryption technology to create virtual currencies and complete transactions without the intervention of a central bank. As a result, cryptocurrency is still illegal in most countries of the world. But I think governments of different countries will allow trading in cryptocurrencies soon and it will be legalized. Because that is the ageing head you can not keep up with the technology that runs through blockchain barriers.
Cryptocurrency regulation is a complex and evolving topic. According to the World Economic Forum, a globally coordinated approach to cryptocurrency regulation is needed if states want to make the most of the technology while stamping out illicit uses of Bitcoin and digital currencies. The US government has recently signed an Executive Order on Ensuring the Responsible Development of Digital Assets, which commits the White House to taking part in research on cryptocurrencies and to engaging departments across the government to collaborate in the creation of a regulatory framework for digital assets. However, it is difficult to predict when cryptocurrency will be fully legalized as it depends on the country and its regulatory framework.

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