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Web2 vs. web3
Web2: This has been the case since the early 2000s, when the emergence of large platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, as well as services such as Uber and Venmo, brought a centralised, commercial order to the internet by making it easier to connect, browse, interact, and transact online. These large corporations capture a large portion of the monetary value generated on the internet.
Web3: This is the internet's future, in which we return to the individualised utility of Web 1.0, but this time on blockchain technology and digital tokens that can foster a decentralised internet. Web3 replaces centralised entities with decentralised networks that distribute value to creators, users, and developers, rather than the large players of Web2 capturing the majority of monetary value.
Web3 currently promising internet freedom, however the future of web3 still in questionable, there are debate this is really giving internet freedom or still too good to be true.
Web2 and Web3 represent distinct phases in the evolution of the Internet. Web2, the current model, is centralized and dominated by big corporations. It revolves around user-generated content, social media, and centralized services. In contrast, Web3 is a decentralized paradigm, aiming to empower users and shift control from corporations to individuals. Blockchain technology is fundamental to Web3, enabling decentralized applications, smart contracts, and tokenized economies. Web3 emphasizes privacy, security, and user ownership of data. The transition from Web2 to Web3 signifies a shift toward a more open, transparent, and user-centric Internet, challenging the centralized structures of the current Web.

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