Community Forex Questions
How are Satoshis implemented in the Bitcoin protocol?
Satoshis are the smallest unit of Bitcoin. One Bitcoin is equal to 100 million Satoshis. Satoshis are implemented in the Bitcoin protocol in a few different ways.

Bitcoin transactions

Bitcoin transactions are denominated in Satoshis. When you send Bitcoin to someone, you are actually sending them a certain number of Satoshis. The Bitcoin protocol automatically converts the amount of Bitcoin that you want to send to the corresponding number of Satoshis.

Bitcoin scripts

Bitcoin scripts are used to control how Bitcoin transactions are processed. Scripts can be used to specify a variety of conditions, such as who can spend the Bitcoin, when it can be spent, and how much it can be spent. Scripts can also be used to implement complex payment schemes, such as escrow and multi-signature payments.

UTXO model

Bitcoin uses a transaction-based accounting model called the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model. The UTXO model tracks all of the unspent outputs from previous transactions. When a new transaction is created, it consumes inputs from previous transactions and creates new outputs. The outputs from the new transaction are then added to the UTXO set.

The UTXO model allows for Satoshis to be divided and recombined in a variety of ways. For example, if you have a 1 BTC input, you can create two 0.5 BTC outputs or one 0.75 BTC output and one 0.25 BTC output. The UTXO model also allows for Satoshis to be sent to multiple addresses in a single transaction.

Bitcoin fees

Bitcoin fees are denominated in Satoshis. Miners charge fees for processing Bitcoin transactions. The fee for a transaction is determined by the size of the transaction and the current network conditions.

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