PancakeSwap Promotions
A decentralized exchange that is accessible across several chains is PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap obtained slightly more than 2.4 million ZK tokens as part of zkSync's first airdrop. One of the top DEXs on zkSync in terms of Total Value Locked is PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap acquired slightly more than 2.4 million ZK tokens as part of zkSync's first airdrop, and they will share the whole amount with their community.
27% of their allotment went toward rewarding previous users, and 26.5% went toward rewarding veCAKE holders. The remaining 46.5% of their ZK allotment will be distributed to traders (10%) and liquidity providers (36.5%).
27% of their allotment went toward rewarding previous users, and 26.5% went toward rewarding veCAKE holders. The remaining 46.5% of their ZK allotment will be distributed to traders (10%) and liquidity providers (36.5%).
Jul 19, 2024 08:33