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Forcefi Promotions
Forcefi is a permissionless incubator that helps new projects develop teams, communities, and raise financing in a decentralised environment. Forcefi uses token launch functionality to connect projects with industry professionals and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) known as curators. While supporting projects, these curators help screen initiatives based on numerous factors and improve their on-chain reputation. Token sales are open to investors interested in early-stage businesses assessed and sponsored by these curators. Forcefi's goal is to foster a symbiotic relationship between projects, curators, and investors, allowing new ventures to acquire funding, grow, and innovate without requiring a large personal network or a large budget. For those who perform social chores, Forcefi will airdrop 5,000,000 FORC. The top 10% of participants will receive 2,500,000 FORC, the next 50% will receive 1,500,000 FORC, and the other participants will receive 1,000,000 FORC.

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